Get Involved with
Our Ministries

Kid's Ministry
WWCA Kids ministry strives to teach the fundamental basics of God’s word as they grow to discover their purpose in God’s big plan. A nursery will be available for all newborns-3 years of age with nursing parents. We also offer activities for ages 4-12 years old that will reinforce God’s word in an adjacent room. Sunday school begins immediately after praise and worship during the 10 am service. Kids can be dropped off in the children’s ministry room located on the first floor of the main sanctuary and picked up right after service. Registration is available anytime during the year. Please click on the link located below. We look forward to meeting you! 😊
Youth Ministry
WWCA REAL Youth (also known as Remaining Eternal and Always in the Lord) is a ministry for teenagers and young adults ages 13-21. Our goal is to equip our youth with God’s Word and build a strong foundation and close relationship with the Lord during this important season. While the world challenges us to conform, we strive to become more like Christ and set an example in the way we live and love. We walk through life together and regularly gather for fellowship, teachings, and other fun activities such as retreats. Join us at church every Saturday at 5:30PM. The meeting time and location may change due to COVID-19 and other circumstances. To stay updated, please send us your information by clicking Register below.

Ministry of college & career
MoCC is a ministry for young adults ages 20+ who are currently in college or working in their career. Our goal is to continue to grow our relationship with God as well as with fellow believers during the busiest time of our lives. We love to fellowship and encourage one another as well as have discussions on current topics in a godly view. We meet up at least twice a month for discussion/prayer meetings/devotions and a planned fun day/night! Our meeting and locations vary per month. We’d love for you to join our fun and exciting group! To join, please click the link below!
Women's Ministry
Equipping every women in spiritual growth through fellowship and prayer, rightly dividing the word of God and building up one another for the edification of the body of Christ.

Men's Ministry
Getting together because of Christ. Growing together as men of God. Going forth to serve Christ.
RESET Ministry
An Outreach Ministry

Couple's Ministry
Multimedia Ministry
Ephesians 4:12 "Their responsibility is to equip God's People to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ." The goal of the Multimedia Ministry (or MMM for short) is to support the church in communicating the Word of God through Videos, Photos, Social Media, and Virtual. The MMMs are responsible for creating and running the PowerPoints every Wednesdays, Sundays, and other church Events. We also help set up and run YouTube Live Streams for everyone to witness the Word of God if they are unable to attend Church Physically. We also run and monitor Zoom Sessions every Wednesdays (for the time being). We are always looking for new members or train anyone that is willing to learn.

Worship and Music Ministry leads and assists our church, Word for the World – California, in a structured corporate worship during Sunday and Wednesday services and other events. We also inspire our members towards a lifestyle of sincere praise and worship whenever and wherever they may be. The purpose of the Worship and Music Ministry is to ultimately and entirely bring glory to God. The primary means of fulfilling this goal is by collectively leading and aiding the Body of Christ in communal worship. The motivation and desire are to point everyone to the Almighty God, our Savior and King!
For any question, concern or interest in the Worship and Music Ministry, please contact Pastor Joy Orbase, joyofapril@gmail.com