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Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

“Go and share the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone who believes and
establish a strong Bible-based fellowship. To love God above all with all
our heart, soul, spirit and strength and to love our neighbors, too.”
Matthew 28: 19-20


To be an effective witness of Jesus
Christ in South Bay area, surrounding
Cities, and throughout California and build a strong
and growing fellowship of believers
in worship, instruction, fellowship
and evangelism for the glory of God.


• To present the full gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost world.

• To bring hope and comfort to the hurting and needy.

• To provide a place of worship, instruction and fellowship.

• To equip believers for the work of ministry and missions.

• To have a good building place of worship.

• To grow double each year in membership and in giving.

• To live prayerful and holy life everyday.

Word for the World - California
Church of God

Pastor Ramon Briones

+1 310 938 0987



13129 Paramount Blvd.

South Gate, CA United States

How can we pray for you?

God bless!

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©2021 by Word for the World - California COG

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